The Write Mood


I cannot get out all the words inside my head, all the issues that need to be teased apart and the ideas that are still unsaid. There is a bottle neck, a block, or a sense of simple ineptitude that stops everything from flowing lately. 
There are moments of pure feeling, a rawness of emotion that launches a statement piece, a title at least, and a springboard for more. Then a breath comes through, a second too long, and the edge of the cutting words and ferocity of the sentiment are dulled. It's like I've lost the "write mood" to sit and let it out. 

The space is clear, the page is blank and calling for me to start. It beckons me in and yet I stall. No witty quips or descriptive alliterations are tripping out, clicking the keys and running on without proper punctuation and all the wrong prepositions. It's a frustrating white space that I long to fill. I want to document these days, these thoughts, these feelings and I want to share. I feel trapped and silenced and I am reminded that it is by my own doing that I am mute. 
I do not doubt I will find it, the magic that chips away at the writer's block, unstops the cork in the bottle neck and lets all the words flow again. For tonight the mood isn't right, the tears come and nothing more. And there is grace and space enough for that too. 


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