The Jumble.

      I'm totally blocked. I guess it's a simple writer's block but in my reality, it is a little more messy than being incapable of putting my words on a page.

     Our baby was born. It was messy and unplanned and traumatic and tragic. He was already going to be early and his entrance was even earlier than expected. It was painful in every way possible, our son's birth.

      But we lived. Barely. I'd love to clarify that for you. It's just that there-in lies my block. I don't have clarity. I have a jumble.

Our son is here. He is alive and for now, seems well. I lived, am healing physically and am going to work on the rest. My daughters are up to speed on the baby's birth and we are going to talk through every question they have on life and death every time they ask. I won't pretend to know how my husband is managing this whirlwind we have been living for the last year.

         So for now, here's my first breakthrough on the block:
Henry Robert Hauser
born on Sunday February 8th, 2015 at 10:40am. 
Weighing 6pounds, 20inches long
to parents Beth and Aksel
angel brother Griffin
and Big Sisters: Charlotte, Eden, and Gretchen


This is our "Rainbow Baby." He's a fairly quiet fellow despite his sisters' best efforts to rile him up. 

I can't imagine our lives had we not lost Griffin last year. 

But together, we are working toward understanding how happiness and grief can coexist in the midst of our amazing family.


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