Have I Told You Lately?
My girls write gift lists religiously. They come rushing up the stairs after a commercial, eyes alight with tiny imaginings, a new and wonderful toy or game filling their heart with desire. "Mom, for my birthday, can I have...?" they say to me with a smile wide, gleaming white baby teeth sparkling and winking at me. It is easy to placate them in these moments, to tell them, "Sure, write it on your wish list." Christmas is the same, though longer and larger. As the holiday looms in the distance, any jaunts we take to the store are replete with requests as sweet as they are naive. We lie, white lies, about a mysterious man with a gift-giving plan who will make their dreams come true. I sit thinking about these lists and lies regularly, though they don't trouble me deeply for the girls because I know the trinkets are superficial and easily forgotten. It's more for myself that I worried. I couldn't ask for any birthday gifts...