Two week wait.

TWW. 2weeks. When trying to get pregnant, this is the longest and most tortuous phrase in the whole of a woman's vocabulary. It is the window of time between ovulation and when you could possibly see a BFP: a + sign on one of those HPTs- pee sticks for those who don't speak the lingo. I've lived that tww a few times when trying to conceive. I've wished time to fly while wishing the end of the cycle would never come. It's a tricky thing to want only one outcome and for each day to spin faster to get to the answer, but to not want the answer to be negative. I'm living a different two week wait right now. I am waiting to have a baby. A baby. Not just a positive on a pregnancy test...that horrible surprise came months ago, when I had made up my mind to check the quality of my uterus but with the knowledge that I was not really desiring a pregnancy after loss, especially not any time so soon....