Just a Day.

This day has been sneaking up on us. Slinking, sly like a fox, as the days of our lives keep turning. We've known it was coming like every anniversary does. We've seen it a year in advance. January 24th, 2015, just a day right? A day like any other day. Last year, this was just a day. A day when I drove my kindergartener to school in the morning, took a nap on the couch midday, while my one and four year old snoozed in their beds. We piled in the car in the afternoon and I took all three girls to the dentist, my 38week pregnant belly leading the way. It was an evening that started slowly, I sat and chatted in a friend's kitchen while the girls had a short playdate. I wondered if the beginnings of labor was coming on and when we loaded up again for the hour drive home, I was feeling a little more sure. The long hour drive home was quiet, those wild animals I had carted around were quietly snoring. I put my husband and my team on stand-by, I mes...