Balderdash on the Brain.

I've not been writing much lately and the lack of making time is getting to me. The reality of life can always be an excuse but there are myriads of others to use, an oxymoron really is the best one for me: I have too much to say. Does it ever get that way in your head? The thoughts and ideas bouncing around, crowding everything together and jumbling it into a mess rather than a clear and delineated cerebration. It feels like craziness to me right now, this absolute chaos that cannot be calmed and quieted neither inside nor out the confines of my brain. It's best to state it to my family when it gets to this point, I've figured that out on more than one occasion. Once, while pregnant with my third and visiting family for Thanksgiving, I lost it in front of everyone. The women, at least five grown and three little girls in tow, had all gone shopping and left the men home to cook supper and converse....